Rain Water

With rapid climatic changes, increase in global temperature and population growth, there is a scarcity of potable water in many countries across the world.
The gradual falling of water levels, are a cause of serious concern not only because it leads to shortage of usable water but also because in coastal areas it causes imbalance in salinity of the area.
The supply of fresh water in this planet cannot be increased. So an alternative method must be sought for. One such method is harvesting rainwater.
The possibility of pollution cannot be completely ruled out. The question of water security is at present a major issue in many parts of the world. One way to deal with this crisis is to adopt rainwater harvesting.
Rainwater harvesting or the collection of rainwater in a proper way, water crisis in different parts of the world. This simple method can put forward a solution which will be workable in areas where there is sufficient rain but the groundwater supply is not sufficient on the one hand and on the other surface water resource is insufficient. The rain water, which comes for free, can be collected and stored, instead of letting it run off, it could be an alternative to back up the main water supply especially during dry spells. Its importance will not be limited to an individual family but can be used by a community as well.
The importance of rainwater harvesting lies in the fact that it can be stored for future use. Just as it can be used directly so also the stored water can be utilized to revitalize the ground level water and improve its quality. This also helps to raise the level of ground water which then can be easily accessible. When fed into the ground level wells and tube well are prevented from drying up. This increases soil fertility. Harvesting rainwater checks surface run off of water and reduces soil erosion.